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来源:高校网 | 发布时间:2023-09-06 14:58:40 |  访问:9809



theschoolofeconomicsatfudanuniversitywarmly invites applications for faculty positions at all ranks and in relevant fields of economics.

on top of the academic resources supplied byfudanuniversity(please visithttp://www.library.fudan.edu.cn/), theschoolofeconomicsalso has access to almost all the important economic or financial databases inchina.

to know more about theschoolofeconomics, please visithttps://econ.fudan.edu.cn/

job requirements

candidates at the rank of associate or full professor must have demonstrated an outstanding record in research and teaching. candidates at the rank of assistant professor should have a ph.d. already in hand or firmly expected by august 2024 and should show promise of significant scholarship and teaching ability.

application instruction

applicants must submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and job market paper(s) electronically toeconsearch@fudan.edu.cn(only electronic submissions will be accepted.) and have three reference letters sent through email toeconsearch@fudan.edu.cn.

the application email titleshouldbe in the format of name+research field (specified below)+desired position, e.g., zhang, san+ digital economy +assistant professor.

when submitting your applications, please specifyoneof the following fields as your primary research field: digital economy, international economics, industrial organization, insurance.

application deadline: november 10, 2023

contact us


·tel: +86-21-6564 1015




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