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刘宇宙教授目前主要从事含多环有机硅物质的设计和多苯环体系的组装方面的研究,计划通过这方面的研究制备出革命性的具有高性能的新颖材料。刘宇宙教授国内就读于清华大学化学系(本科/硕士),博士毕业于美国纽约大学化学系,研究氢键体系的组装行为,之后被美国milliken公司聘为研发总部的独立化学家,进行高性能led封装材料的开发。刘宇宙教授在材料的设计和研发方面有着丰富的学术界和工业界的经验,不仅在science, nature commun., jacs, angew, drug. resis. update, adv. sci.等高档次期刊上发表过原创文章,也研发出屡获奖项的工业产品。刘宇宙教授创办的企业获得了国家高新企业认证、ai金雁奖、全球数字经济大会北京市人工智能示范案例,beyond可持续发展创新大奖等奖项。刘宇宙教授于2014年入职于北京航空航天大学化学学院,目前对外招生博士后、博士和硕士研究生,各种背景均可,可为化学、材料、环境和计算等。


1.nano si-doped ruthenium oxide particles from caged precursors for high-performance acidic oxygen evolutionc. x. liu, y. b. jiang, t. wang*, q. s. li, y. z. liu*adv. sci.2023, 2207429 (sci一区)

2.cage-modified hypocrellin against multidrug-resistant candida spp. with unprecedented activity in light-triggered combinational photodynamic therapyx. y. liu, r. j. fang, r. feng, q. s. li, m. q. su, c. l. hou, k. w. zhuang, y. l. dai, n. lei, y. b. jiang, y. z. liu*, y. p.ran*drug resis. update2022,65, 100887 (sci一区)

3.rhodium nano particles within an organic cage with better durability and gated activity for hydrogen generation reactionq. s. li, d. f. gu, c. q. cui, g. h. pan, d. d. yu, y. z. liu*int. j. hydrogen energ.2022,47, 15960-15968 (sci二区)

4.selective photocatalyst for styrene epoxidation with atmospheric o2by covalent organic frameworks catalysisd. f. gu, n. j. liang, q. s. li, g. w. li, * d. d. yu, y. z. liu*catal. sci. technol.2022,12, 2717-2723 (sci二区)

5.caged iridium catalyst for hydrosilylation of alkynes with high site selectivityq. s. li, d. f. gu, d. d. yu, y. z. liu*chemcatchem2022,14,e202101727(sci二区)

6.tying covalent organic frameworks throughalkene metathesis and supported platinum as efficient catalysts for hydrosilylationd. f. gu, g. w. li, y. s. liu, y. z. liu*nanomaterials2022,12, 499-514 (sci一区)

7.ir single atom catalyst loaded on amorphous carbon materials with high her activityc. x. liu, g. h. pan, n. j. liang, s. hong, j. y. ma, y. z. liu*adv. sci.2022,9, 2105392 (sci一区)

8.carbon material with ordered sub-nanometer hole defectsn. j. liang, q. s. li, g. h. pan, c. h. liu, y. z. liu*front. chem.2022,10, 1-10 (sci二区)

9.mild synthesis of a dimethoxy-terminated siloxane through a ring-opening reactionn. j. liang, q. s. li, m. y. ge, d. f. gu, y. z. liu*chemistryselect2022,7, 1-5 (sci三区)

10.cobaltcatalyzed highly regioselective threecomponent arylcarboxylation of acrylate with aryl bromides and carbon dioxidew. hang, n. j. liang, y. z. liu, c. j. xichemsuschem2021, 14, 4941-4946 (sci一区)

11.biomimetic caged platinum catalyst for hydrosilylation reaction with high site selectivityg. h. pan, et al.y. z. liunat. commun. 2021, 12, 1-9 (sci一区)

12.reaction for the preparation of unique cyclic polysiloxanes with large size and narrow distributionm. y. ge, g. w. li, z. b. ni, n. liu, y. s. liu,y. z. liuj. polym. sci.2020, 58, 3009-3017 (sci二区)

13.highly catalytically active high-spin single-atom iron catalyst supported by catechol-containing microporous 2d polymerg. w. li, d. f. gu, r. cao, s. hong, y. s. liu,y. z. liu*chem. lett.2020,49, 1240-1244(sci四区)

14.plasmonic acceleration of nitrophenol reduction upon catalysis by robust gold nanoparticle donut assembliesh. j. liu, j. y. yu, y. s. liu,y. z. liu*catal. commun.2020,146, 106137 (sci二区)

15.porous films from cyclic block copolymersh. j. liu, h. p. li, y. jiang*, y. z. liu* polymer j.2020,52, 449-455 (sci二区)

16.cyclosiloxane-containing polymers and the formation of highly stable elastomerg. w. li,y. z. liu*chem. lett.2020,49, 299-302 (sci四区)

17.donut assembly of nanoparticles with high catalytic efficiency for hydrogen gas generation from ammonia boranej. y. yu, g. w. li, h. j. liu, z. z. li, y. z. liu* chemcatchem 2019, 11, 5536-5542 (sci二区)

18.hyperbranched polysiloxanes based on polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane cages with ultra-high molecularweight and structural tuneabilityn. liu, j. y. yu, y. y. meng*, y. z. liu*polymers2018,10, 496-509 (sci一区)

19.synthesis of spirocyclosiloxanes for transparent copolymer thermosetsj. y. yu, y. han, y. z. liu*j. appl. polym. sci.2018,135, 46370-46375 (sci二区)

20.high molecular weight cyclic polysiloxanes from organocatalytic zwitterionic polymerization of constrained spirocyclosiloxanesc. y. wu; j. y. yu; q. s. li; y. z. liu*polym. chem.2017,8, 7301-7306 (sci一区)

21.hyperbranched polysiloxane with highly constrained rings and the effect of the attached arms on the assembly behaviorc. y. wu; c. h. hu; y. z. liu*polym. chem.2017,8, 6490-6495 (sci一区)

22.cyclic polysiloxanes with linked cyclotetrasiloxane subunitsj. y. yu;y. z. liu*angew. chem. int. ed.2017,56, 8706-8710 (sci一区)

23.regulating the architectures of hydrogen-bonded frameworks through topological enforcementy. z. liu; w. c. xiao; j. j. yi; c. h. hu; s. j. park; m. d. ward*j. am. chem. soc.2015,137, 3386-3392

24.supramolecular archimedean cages assembled with 72 hydrogen bondsy. z. liu; c. h. hu; a. comotti; m. d. ward*science2011,333, 436-440

25.molecular capsules in modular frameworksy. z. liu; m. d. ward*cryst. growth des.,2009,9, 3859-3861. highlighted as cover paper

26.mo(co)6catalyzed cyclotrimerization of alkynes: formation of benzene derivativesy. z. liu;l. s. zhou, c. j. xi*acta chim. sinica2006, 266-268

27.intramolecular “ch···π(metal chelate ring) interactions” as structural evidence for metalloaromaticity in bis(pyridine-2,6-diimine)ru(ii) complexesy. f. jiang, c. j. xi,* y. z. liu, j. niclós-gutiérrez, d. choquesillo-lazarteeur. j. inorg. chem.2005,1585-1588

28.synthesis of molybdenum complex with novel p(oh)3 ligand based on the one-pot reaction of mo(co)6with hp(o)(oet)2and waterc. j. xi*, y. z. liu, c. b. lai, l. s. zhouinorg. chem. commun.2004,7, 1202-1204





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